Tag: business plans

Business Plan

Business plan, capital is the first step to start any successful business

Starting your own business can be a daunting prospect for many. Here are a few tips to help aspiring entrepreneurs get started on the right track. “So, you want to start your own business…” That’s the dream of many of us. After working at a job or for a company which did not suit their personality or aspirations, almost everyone, whether retired or working, has felt the urge to be out there on their own. Desires for independence, setting your own work hours, achieving a desired work-life balance, and finding work we enjoy doing all these thoughts. Stephen Burrow However,…
Business Plan

Northern Electric : Annual Report and Accounts for Northern Electric plc for the Year Ended 31 December 2022

Northern Electric plc Strategic Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2022 (continued) Submitted to Ofgem in March 2014, the Business Plan described the long-term strategy and commitments that NPg Northeast would achieve during the ED1 period in order to deliver sustainable growth with regard to those with whom NPg Northeast interacted and served. Developed after a period of consultation with stakeholders, the Business Plan focused on a number of priorities (described throughout the Strategic Report) including minimizing costs, improving flood defenses, enhancing customer service, prioritizing employee safety, supporting vulnerable customers, protecting the environment and transitioning to low carbon technologies.…
Business Plan

Enactus UCalgary’s Empower program helps immigrant women build businesses

By Nazeefa Ahmed, April 28 2023— Enactus UCalgary’s Empower program is a weekly student-run business skills training program that helps immigrant women build businesses. Within the first year, the program has helped mentees with permanent resident and refugee claimant status develop 17 business plans. According to a report by the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, immigrant women are half as likely to start businesses compared to immigrant men due to systemic barriers. Empower aims to remove obstacles from immigrant women’s face by providing business education through student mentorship. “Many women come to Calgary with a vision of running their own small…