Tag: business plan help

Business Plan

Young Entrepreneurz Solutions hosts the first Business Plan Challenge on St. John | News

Starting a business is no easy task, as St. John youth learned last week through the Young Entrepreneurz Solutions Business Plan Challenge. This is the first year the challenge, which is held in 25 US cities, London, St. Thomas, and the British Virgin Islands, have come to St. John. The winning teams from each regional competition, including the four St. John youth whose smoothie business won favor with local judges last week, will face off against one another in November on St. croix. The YES Business Plan Challenge tasks sixth through 12th-graders with coming up with an idea for a…
Business Plan

Corporate Business Plan | City of North Vancouver

The City’s Corporate Business Plan builds upon and complements the Mayor and Council’s Strategic Plan developed in 2018. Together, these two plans will guide us as we work to achieve the Council’s vision of making our community the healthiest small city in the world. The Corporate Business Plan is our annual action plan. It is used by our Leadership Team to support the Council’s strategic priorities while ensuring our core programs and services are delivered with a high degree of excellence. It allows us to respond to opportunities and challenges with innovation and creativity and helps us prioritize the work…
Business Plan

Enactus UCalgary’s Empower program helps immigrant women build businesses

By Nazeefa Ahmed, April 28 2023— Enactus UCalgary’s Empower program is a weekly student-run business skills training program that helps immigrant women build businesses. Within the first year, the program has helped mentees with permanent resident and refugee claimant status develop 17 business plans. According to a report by the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, immigrant women are half as likely to start businesses compared to immigrant men due to systemic barriers. Empower aims to remove obstacles from immigrant women’s face by providing business education through student mentorship. “Many women come to Calgary with a vision of running their own small…
Business Plan

Halton Region Seeking Public Input on Key Priorities for 2023-2026

Here are guidelines before you comment, and our expectations before we will post: Be civil. Would you speak this way to a good friend? If not, rewrite. Focus on the issues. Build your argument and make your case in support of your opinion from facts, research or other sources. That way we can all learn. “I disagree with so-and-so because…” is fine; “So-and-so is naïve/stupid for thinking the way he/she does and here’s why…” is not acceptable. Don’t make personal attacks. Don’t assume the motives of those you disagree with, make unfounded accusations, spread rumors, or engage in any other…
Business Plan

5 Things You Must Know and Do Before Writing a Business Plan

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. There are many articles about what to include in your business plan. But what about before you even start writing it? Are there things you need to know? Information you need to compile? Things to consider? You bet. Below you’ll learn five things you must know and do before sitting down to write your business plan: 1. Your business plan is a marketing document The first thing you must understand before writing your business plan is that your plan is a marketing document. It is not a 50-page dossier explaining everything there…