Five Ideas to Celebrate Women’s History Month Inclusively

If you or your organization has yet to celebrate Women’s History Month, it is not too late. If you are scrambling to align your organization on a message, here are some ideas to start the discussion.

My clients love discussing hot topics and trends in the workplace for gender equality and diversity. I recommend having a format that invites women leaders and their allies into the discussion while providing actionable takeaways.

Give your team permission to be vulnerable and candid. Listen and learn. Invite allies to the discussion.

Here are some formats that work well for robust discussions:

Women in the Workplace Report: McKinsey & Company publishes an annual report that measures the pay gap, representation gap and more. It is a great tool to share with your organization and get together to discuss ideas together as allies.

Women’s Leadership Panel: Don’t have a budget to hire an outside speaker? Leverage the top talent you do have. Get a cross-section of diverse talent from different areas of the organization with different backgrounds. Ask them questions like “Describe your career path,” “What have been your barriers and how did you overcome them,” or “Who have been your allies and how have they supported you,” and open it for a Q&A.

Lunch & Learn: Get your team together and watch a video or webinar together. We have a plethora of webinar recordings and videos to tee up the discussion at NextPivotPoint.com/resources. Ted Talks from Brene Brown, Kimberlee Crenshaw, and Loretta J. Ross are also great conversation starters.

Book Discussion: There are so many excellent women’s leadership read out there – How Women Rise, Dare to Lead, What Works for Women at Work, Ask for It, How Remarkable Women Lead, Radical Candor, Athena Rising, Pivot Point, and ONE just to name a few. Craft a book summary and questions to drive positive change.

Podcast Discussion: Have the team listen to a podcast episode and come prepared to discuss key takeaways and action items together. My favorite gender equality and diversity podcasts are Tilted, HBR Women at Work, A Will to Change, and our very own, Diversity Pivot.

We know that gender equity is a candid conversation. That is why our website is packed full of resources to have this candid conversation at NextPivotPoint.com.

Julie Cratz is the Founder and Chief Engagement Officer of Next Pivot Point. She is a highly-acclaimed TEDx speaker and inclusive leadership trainer who led teams and produced results in corporate America. After experiencing many career “pivot points” of her own, she started her own speaking business with the goal of helping leaders be more inclusive.

Promoting diversity, inclusion, and allyship in the workplace, Julie helps organizations foster more inclusive environments. She is a frequent keynote speaker, podcast host, and executive coach. She holds an MBA from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, is a Certified Master Coach, and is a certified unconscious bias trainer.

Her books include Pivot Point: How to Build a Winning Career Game Plan, ONE: How Male Allies Support Women for Gender Equality and Lead Like an Ally: A Journey Through Corporate America with Strategies to Facilitate Inclusion, her children’s book Little Allies, and Allyship in Action: 10 Strategies for Living Inclusively.