The CanadianSME Small Business Magazine is thrilled to announce the fourth edition of Small Business Expo 2023, a one-day event for small business owners and entrepreneurs to showcase the latest innovations in technology: Empowering Small Businesses to Thrive in the Digital Era

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The CanadianSME Small Business Expo 2023 is a continuation of our dedication to supporting Canadian SMEs. The theme of Small Business Expo 2023 is “Leveraging Technology For Small Business Growth.”

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, June 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CanadianSME Small Business expo will welcome several experts sitting on an esteemed panel to conduct a meaningful discussion on a variety of topics such as Women’s Entrepreneurship and Cloud and Tech for SMEs. Women’s entrepreneurship is very important to Canada’s future. They gradually close the gender gap by ensuring that all women have as many opportunities as men. In this panel discussion, we have specially brought in top-notch women experts to help aspiring women entrepreneurs succeed efficiently and instill confidence to conquer challenges. Tech experts from across Canada will discuss tech adoption for small businesses in the cloud and tech panels. The panellists will discuss the most important available technologies that can help small businesses succeed. They will also discuss how to manage employees working remotely and how to address this with a creative approach.

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Small businesses can significantly benefit from our business expo. It provides a platform to showcase their strengths, receive mentorship, and gain business insights. Workshops offer knowledge on business management, marketing strategies, financial planning, and technological integration. The expo also presents extensive networking opportunities with industry experts and potential partners, enhancing business promotion and partnerships. Attendees will learn about the latest trends, innovative solutions, and pragmatic insights to address challenges and leverage opportunities.

Seize this unparalleled opportunity – this year’s expo promises to be a transformative milestone in your business journey. Our distinguished lineup of keynote speakers includes a thought-provoking address by Xero, an industry titan in accounting software, as well as insights from an accomplished senior executive with vast international experience. Adding further to this star-studded lineup, Steve Puchala, the dynamic CEO of SkipTheDishes, will share his business acumen gleaned from leading one of Canada’s premier food delivery services.

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But the learning opportunities don’t stop there. Paul Gaspar, UPS Canada’s Director of Small Business, will guide you through ‘Leveraging Technology for Business Growth,’ showing how to harness freely available technology to enhance service, cut costs, and grow your business. Meanwhile, Sai Huda, Chairman and CEO of CyberCatch, will bring cybersecurity front and center in his live, interactive keynote, ‘The Two Ways Attackers Target Small Businesses & How You Can Prevent Becoming The Next Victim.’ Following the keynote, he will also deliver a workshop to teach small businesses in more detail how to easily implement practical, cost-effective counter measures to stay safe and succeed digitally. “We must help small businesses get cyber smart so they can be successful. CyberCatch is delighted to support CanadianSME Small Business Magazine to deliver cutting-edge know-how at the Small Business Expo 2023. It is a must-attend event,” said Sai Huda.

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Leveraging Skip’s Newest Technology To Support Your Small Business

Join Steve Puchala, interim CEO of SkipTheDishes, to learn about Skip’s journey from a tech start-up built in the Prairies to an iconic Canadian brand that’s helping thousands of small businesses thrive in today’s digital and on-demand economy. Steve will share how Skip’s technology can support your business with flexible employee perks to improve productivity, encourage wellness and drive recruitment.

The expo will host additional workshops by esteemed organizations like Zoho, and Procurement Assistance Canada, offering actionable strategies for business growth. A highlight among these is the workshop ‘Growing Your Business With Affordable Technology Despite Economic Uncertainty.’ Presented by Noor Siddiqui and Michael Despotovic of Apples & Oranges Marketing, advisors to the federal government’s Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP), this session will demonstrate how small businesses can tap into the government’s $4 billion investment in digital technology grants, loans, and wages subsidies. By attending this year’s expo, you’ll be positioning your business at the cutting edge of industry trends and innovations, potentially catalyzing the next big step in your company’s journey.

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“We are grateful for the overwhelming support from our sponsors and partners. Together, we are providing small businesses in Canada a unique event to attend and get inspired and equipped for success, and our small businesses are the growth engine of Canada’s economy,” said SK Uddin, Publisher of CanadianSME Small Business Magazine. “We express our sincere appreciation to UPS, our exclusive shipping partner; Xero, our accounting software partner; gold partners, CyberCatch and SkipTheDishes; and silver partner, Canada Life. Their contributions greatly bolster our mission of supporting and strengthening Canadian SMEs.”

“The CanadianSME Small Business Expo is a keystone event for small business owners and those that serve this incredible sector as it offers a space to connect, inspire, and learn from each other’s lived experiences,” said Faye Pang, Country Manager of Xero Canada. “A topic such as ‘Cloud and Technology for SMEs’ is imperative in today’s operating environment and we look forward to joining the conversation.”

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“Many business owners are unaware of the free tools available to improve service, visibility, process and sales,” said Paul Gaspar, small business director for UPS. “As a long-time IT innovator, UPS has been laying the groundwork to improve customer service with intelligent applications that deliver relevant, seamless experiences on virtually any device, and we are looking forward to sharing this information at The CanadianSME Small Business Expo.”

The CanadianSME Small Business Expo 2023 invites all SMEs, entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts to participate in this informative and exciting event. For further information and registration details, visit https://smeexpo.ca/.

About CanadianSME Small Business Magazine

CanadianSME Small Business Magazine understands the need to provide a helping hand to new businesses. Through this magazine, Canadian entrepreneurs are inspired to do more and work smarter in order to achieve their goals. The succinct idea is to strengthen the conduct of Canadian small and medium enterprises.

For more information, visit https://www.canadiansme.ca/

For media inquiries, please contact:

SK Uddin,
Publisher, CanadianSME
Phone: (416) 655 0205
Email: [email protected]

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